Thursday, July 31, 2008

Our Little Ballernia

I had so much fun with this shoot...and I believe Isabella did too. I have to be honest though and admit it took me two different days of dressing her up and shooting to get what I was looking for. The first day I tried at the house and things were going great, Joe was working on finishing the basement, Caleb was helping and playing being really good, and I decided to walk down toward the water to get some shots. I laid Isabella down and headed back towards the house to get my camera and came back to this beautiful sleeping princess. I could not believe it! I usually have to really fight her for naps or bedtime...who would have thought, throw her on a quilt in the middle of the yard wearing nothing but a tutu and a hair band. Sadly enough, I wasted too much time looking at her in shock when I should have been pressing that shutter button, when it started to rain. Needless to say we had to pack up and call it a day. The next attempt I made sure she was well fed and rested up, with NO RAIN in the forecast...I got some great shots. Here are a few of my favorites. I can't believe my baby is 6 months already, and she is everywhere these days. Keeping her on that quilt was a challenge!!

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